
Common Name: Spicebush

  • Habit: Shrub
  • Light: Shade (< 2 hrs. direct sun), Part Shade (2-5 hrs. direct sun)
  • Water Needs: Wet, Moist, Average
  • Height: 8-15′
  • Flower: Yellow, Feb, Mar.
  • Fruit: Small, ovoid bright red fruits with waxy flesh surrounding a single seed.
  • Fall Color: Yes
  • Natural Habitat: Floodplain/Marsh, Bottomland Deciduous Forest
  • Larval host for: Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus), Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), Promethea silkmoth (Callosamia promethea),

SKU: lin_ben_000 Category:
Lindera benzoin is a slow-growing upright, woody shrub with loose spreading branches and large ovate leaves.  Pale yellow flowers sprout from the dark stems in spring just before the leaves grow.  The small flowers give way to bright red glossy fruits in the fall, about the same time that the leaves turn a golden yellow color. Birds love the small fruits.  This plant is dioecious, so there needs to be a male and female plant in close proximity for the female to produce berries.

Additional information

Pot Size



Bloom Color

Fall Foliage

Natural Habitat

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Bloom Time



Light Needs


Water Needs

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