Earth Day Walk
at Beech Hollow Farm
04/22/23 11-2:00 pm, Tanner Biggers
First things first:
Last year we had 32 folks come out for the Wild Ones walk. To make sure we have enough Beech Hollow folks to take care of all of you, we are issuing RSVP's for the walks.
Join us at Beech Hollow Farm for Earth Day. Tanner will lead a walk through the Sun and Shade Gardens at 11 am. At 12:30 he will give a short presentation on Native Pollinators.
What's in Bloom?
- Columbine
- Rue Anemone
- Iris cristata
- Mouse-eared coreopsis
- Black Cherry
- Flame Azaleas
- Pipevine
- Spiderwort
- Jack in The Pulpits
- Red Buckeye
- Painted Buckeye
- Scentless Mock-Orange
Walking On:
After a brief introduction to Beech Hollow, our Nursery Manager, Tanner Biggers, will lead the group on a facilitated tour of the sun beds, the shade beds and see what's popping up in the Greenhouse.
Tanner plans on giving a talk about Georgia Wildflowers and Pollinator host plants during our lunch break in the Blue Barn. After Lunch, we will be making Wildflower seed bombs! This will be a really good opportunity for those who want to get their hands dirty.
During the seed bomb making activity, Tanner will be giving insight into the fascinating biology and dispersal mechanisms of native wildflower seeds, and we will have an open discussion on how cool these seeds are! Afterward, you'll get instructions for how to plant, or even slingshot your seed bombs out into your yard!
What to Bring:
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Bug repellent
- Sunscreen
- Lunch
- Water
- Curiosity!
Class Sign-up Information:
Beech Hollow Wildflower Farm,
1575 Elberton Rd.,
Lexington, GA 30648
Date: 04/22/23
Limit 25 participants.
Please RSVP above.
Time: 11 am - 2:00 pm,
Cost: $FREE$ presentation
Looking Forward to the tour!!
Glad you are coming!
Just signed up for Earth Day Wildflower Walk with Tanner-woo! Looking forward to my first visit to the farm
We’ll be glad to see you there!