
Join us on the Garden Path

Education has always been a part of our mission.

Join us for a blended offering of art, gardening and science classes at Beech Hollow’s Reading Room at 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale GA 30079. This spring we are offering the Garden Path Series of classes.  These educational talks cover gardening, native plants, habitat gardening, gardening for wildlife, as well as how to maintain those gardens.

blue flowers of Jacob's Ladder embedded in a lush background of green leaves. Words say that the Spring Fling for Beech Hollow Farm is on April 5th, from 10-4

Spring Fling on April 5th, 10-4

Join us for our Spring Fling celebration April 5th , 10-4 Each spring Beech Hollow likes to showcase local, hardworking, neighborhood greenspace projects, garden projects, and educators. This year we…

Pink, white, and orange native flowers and red berries with text in the middle that says "Year-Round Native Gardening"

Native Plant Year-Round Gardening

This class is full, and there is a wait list.  Let us know if you are interested in this class and we will ask them if they are able to…

cluster of ferns

Shade Gardening…the “Dark Side”

$25.00 Add to cart 04/11/24 Shade Gardening 7 pm – 8:30 pm, Andrea Greco Not much sun? No problem! This class will focus on gardening in the shady areas of…

Red-handled gardening pruners are being used cut the woody stem of a Downy Serviceberry tree, Amelanchier arborea.

Feel Empowered to Prune

$25.00 Add to cart Feel Empowered to Prune 04/14/24, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Barbara Dorfman With the right tools, gardeners and homeowners can do the job themselves or supervise…

Carpenter bees and other insects collect pollen from yellow flowers of Hypericum frondosum, Cedar Glade St John's Wort.

Pollinator Week Census at Beech Hollow

Photo by Pandra Williams $0.00 with RSVP Add to cart National Pollinator Week at Beech Hollow Farm 06/24/23   10 am -12:00 pm Tanner Biggers First things first: Last year…

The wrought iron Beech Leaf Gate, with organic abstract shapes and leaf detailing, welcomes visitors to Beech Hollow Farm in Lexington. It is custom designed and handmade by local artist Kris Gunderson.

Earth Day at Beech Hollow

$0.00 Add to cart Earth Day Walk at Beech Hollow Farm 04/22/23   11-2:00 pm, Tanner Biggers First things first: Last year we had 32 folks come out for the…

Southeastern Bumble bee on blueberry plant.

Meet Your Native Bees

Photo by Pandra Williams $0.00 Bee Presentation at Beech Hollow Scottdale quantity Add to cart Meet Your Native Bees 05/21/23   2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Peter Helfrich Honey bees…

Small Head Liatris, Liatris microcephala, blooms abundant spikes of purple flowers. This hardy plant thrives in this dry, sunny habitats like this one on Stone Mountain.

Xeriscape – the Dry Garden Fall ’23

$25.00 Add to cart Xeriscape – the Dry Garden 09/24/23 2pm – 3:30 pm, Andrea Greco Xeriscaping (zeh·ruh·skay·puhng) is a landscaping technique that involves conscientious design to create a drought…

Diverse plants within the curve of a stone walkway form this garden. It has flowers in gold and pink. A butterfly sculpture stands in its lush foliage.

Plant Selection and Design (2 part class)’23

$50.00 Add to cart Plant Selection and Design (2 part class) 03/22/23 & 03/29/23  7 pm – 8:30 pm, Andrea Greco $50.00, two day Workshop. Limit 15. During this two…

A large pot containing multiple plants sits next to a wooden bench and in the corner of a stone walled terrace.

Patio Planters and Small Spaces

$25.00 Add to cart Patio Planters and Small Space Planting, 03/19/23, 2 pm – 3:30 pm Andrea Greco   Even if you are restricted on planting space where you live,…

Monarch Butterfly nectaring on Georgia Aster.