Spring Classes at Beech Hollow Intown
389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale 30079
Beech Hollow is pleased to continue to offer a series of garden classes specifically tailored to the needs of habitat and pollinator gardens. These classes have been chosen from experienced, trusted and knowledgeable practitioners and educators who have been spreading the good word and works of native plant gardening for the past 20 years. Join us at our classroom at 393 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale GA 30079.
Here is a list of classes, with sign up links below:
Gardening for Birds and Pollinators with Andrea Greco
03/17/24, Sunday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
In this class you will learn about how to select native plants that play a critical role in the life cycles of the creatures we love so much and want to attract to our yards. Topics include plant selection, planting design techniques, maintenance practices and other methods to enhance the viability of your garden for animals while creating a space that is ecologically sound and beautiful. Sign up here.
Old Growth Forest in Your Own Backyard with Kathryn Kolb
03/28/24 Thursday, 7:00pm – 8:30 pm
Does your backyard have remnants of old growth forest? Learn to identify the key indicators that you may harbor, remnants of the original old growth forest of our region, in your backyard. Learn about indicator species and the ancient native ecologies they represent. Sign up here
Shade Gardening...the "Dark Side" with Andrea Greco
04/11/24, Thursday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Not much sun? No problem! This class will focus on gardening in the shady areas of your garden using primarily native plants from the forests of the Piedmont region of Georgia. Whichever your condition, we will teach you how to evaluate your site and select appropriate plants and implement various techniques for you to enhance the ‘darker’ side of your space. Sign up here
Feel Empowered to Prune with Barbara Dorfman
04/14/24, Sunday 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Pruning is an important skill to learn for garden maintenance, to keep your trees and shrubs healthy, improving growing conditions, sunlight, and airflow. Learn where, when and how to cut branches to improve shrub health, remove dead wood, and direct future growth. We will discuss tools, cutting techniques, and specific types of plants' needs. Sign up here
Exploring Native Plants with Jeff Killingsworth
04/25/24, Thursday 7:00pm - 8:30 pm
In this class we will parse the often-confusing language of native vs. invasive species, and how to select native additions or alternatives for home landscaping. Starting with a broad overview of plants' role in the ecosystem and their relationships with animals we will explore how to transform your yard into a valuable natural community with a variety of native plants. Sign up here.
Patio Planters and Small Space Planting with Andrea Greco
05/05/24, Sunday 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Even if you are restricted on planting space where you live, there are many fun options to create an ecologically beneficial and enjoyable landscape. In this class you will learn plant combinations and planting techniques for different small settings to get you started adding life to your small but vital outdoor living areas. Sign up here.
What You Don't See is What You Get! with Sam Landes
Beneficial Fungi and Mycorrhizae in the Forest
05/09/24 Thursday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Learn more about the world of beneficial fungi and mycorrhizae with local mycology expert Sam Landes. Sam served for 7 years as the Chair of NAMA (North American Mycological Association) Foray Committee, and is the current Treasurer of the Mushroom Club of Georgia. He frequently gives presentations to gardening clubs, Master Gardener Groups, and Master Naturalist groups, and leads forays for MCG. Sign up here.
Invite a Monarch to Lunch with Trecia Neal
05/19/24, Sunday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
For twenty years, Trecia Neal has served as a Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist for the Southeast. Learn about the biology, ecology, and migration to Mexico of the monarch butterfly. Monarch population declines and efforts to help monarchs recover will be discussed. Sign up here.
Compost: the Other Black Gold with Trecia Neal
06/02/24 Sunday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Stop throwing out the other black gold: nutrients. Learn hands-on how to take garden debris and turn it into rich, water-holding compost, perfect for droughts. We will discuss the importance of composting, why we compost, and build our own compost pile to demonstrate the correct method of putting a compost pile together. Sign up here.
How to Build Your Soil – with Jeff Killingsworth
06/09/24, Sunday, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Jeff Killingsworth has worked in large gardens all over the Georgia Piedmont, from Beech Hollow’s stock beds, to private Atlanta gardens, and currently in the gardens at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. He will cover topics including: soil food web basics, sheet mulching, and how to brew compost tea. Jeff knows how to build good soil, and he’s willing to show us how. Sign up here.