One dragonfly can take out hundreds of mosquitoes a day:
Darting across the yard and glinting in the sun, dragonflies are a delight to watch. Not only watch, but welcoming these insects into your yard decreases mosquitoes and other pest insects. This blog post has several good habitat and plant suggestions to help increase your dragonfly quotient.
A note to our readers about Writes and Bytes:
It's not all bad news out there, either in the bits and bytes of the web, or in our forests, on the ground, and sometimes even our legislatures!
Writes and Bytes are cross posts from news media, science articles, blogs, zines, and websites that we feel feature well grounded, informative, and educational articles about native plants, native wildlife, and the habitats that support them.
Each cross post has two links, one within the text, and a second one at the end of the introduction.
We hope you enjoy these reads!