
Are you new to gardening?

Do you just want to learn how to include native plants in your established garden?

Or do you want to create a safe and magical outdoor space for the little ones in your life?

Beech Hollow has a well-rounded selection of books focused on native plants in your home landscape.

Our book selection offers both inspiration and information.

The books will be available for purchase at Beech Hollow's Scottdale location.  They are not available for sale on the website.


Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast by Laura Cotterman, Damon Waitt, and Alan Weakley
collage of many books covers about native plants, insects, and nature
four gardening tools spread out on the floor

Books are brain tools, but have you been looking for a good hand tool?  Beyond the best native plant books we could find, we’re pretty psyched about our selection of Japanese hand tools.

These durable tools are solid forged with hard wood handles, next to impossible to break or bend, and perfect for tilling and weeding.