February 21, 2022

To all of our Native Plant People: Spring is right around the corner.
We’ve been busy expanding the grow pad at the farm, fixing pathway puddles in Scottdale, and putting together educational resources, a Reading Room and Reference Room, for you.
Beech Hollow in Scottdale will be open for browsing starting March 19th.
After March 19th Scottdale nursery hours are:
- Thursday: 10-4
- Friday: 10-4
- Saturday: 10-4
- Sunday: 10-4
The Reading Room will also open March 19th. Reading Room days and hours:
- Thursday by appointment
- Friday by appointment
- Saturday 10-4
- Sunday 12-4
Beech Hollow Farm in Lexington will open March 19th for browsing:
- Saturdays from 10-4.

Meanwhile, here is a sneak peek into our Reading Room.
The Reading Room has been stocked with books about botany, gardening, habitat gardening, wildflowers...all the sorts of stuff you want to know about when you come to our nursery.
We also have a selection of nature artworks on consignment from Mingei World Arts.
Why? Because they show off a deep appreciation of nature, as well as being simply gorgeous.
Thank you for your patience, we look forward to seeing you this spring!