Common Name: Oconee Azalea
- Habit: Shrub
- Light: Part Shade (2-5 hrs. direct sun)
- Water Needs: Moist
- Height: 5-8′, 8-15′
- Flower: Yellow, Orange, Red, Apr
- Fruit: Dry, brownish capsule containing numerous seeds
- Fall Color: No
- Natural Habitat: Mesic Forest, Bottomland Deciduous Forest
Rhododendron flammeum has multiple upright, loosely branched stems that form a medium-sized, spreading deciduous shrub with dark green alternate leaves and showy clusters of flowers. The flowers are about 1″ across, trumpet-shaped, and have variable yellowish-orange to orange-red to bright red petals with elongated stamens that extend well beyond the petals. The blooms are borne in radial clusters of 6-11 flowers and are followed by brown seed capsules. This species is relatively drought tolerant. Rhododendron species thrive in moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Soil testing and amending the planting site in order to achieve the correct soil pH is recommended. A thick layer of pine bark mulch applied to and around the site before planting will help retain moisture and acidify the soil if needed.
Additional information
Pot Size | |
Habit | |
Bloom Color | |
Fall Foliage | |
Natural Habitat | |
Bloom Time | |
Height | |
Light Needs | Part Shade (2-5 hrs. direct sun), Shade (< 2 hrs. direct sun) |
Water Needs |