
How to Plant a Tree – with Neil Norton

10/22/23    2 pm – 3:30 pm

Trees can outlive us by a few centuries, but only if we give them what they need to succeed.  Neil Norton will go over the best practices to help your green antidote to climate change (tree) Wildlife habitat (tree), and shade machine (tree), to adapt to its new home in your yard.  Class participants will receive 15% discounts on any trees purchased through the months of October and November.  Here’s to trees!

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Neil Norton is an ISA-Certified Arborist since 2002 and earned his Master Arborist certification (#SO-4158B) in 2021.

Neil is passionate and active around issues of tree conservation and education, both locally and nationally.  He has served for almost eight years as the Executive Director of the Georgia Arborist Association, and works with other non-profit organizations around tree care and preservation issues.

Class participants will receive a 15% discount on trees purchased in October & November.

Please sign up above to reserve your seat.

Class Sign-up Information:


Beech Hollow Intown,

389 North Clarendon Ave.,

Scottdale GA 30079

Date: 10/22/23

Limit 25 participants.

Please RSVP above.

Time: 2 pm - 3:30 pm,

Cost: $FREE$ presentation