Two weeks ago we got a good amount of snow in Atlanta and out at the farm. Any time the temperature drops below 29 F or so we cover the potted plants with frost cloth. It helps to insulate and protect their above-ground roots.
This is the hoop bed where we root vegetative cuttings. It got covered several times this winter when the temperature dropped into the single digits. The tender cuttings are making roots very close to the surface of the bed and extreme cold might zap them.
Even with the frost cloth the plants will freeze to some extent. I discovered something beautiful and interesting on several plants last week.
The dead stems started exuding water right at the base and it formed intricate ice sculptures as the water was expelled from the plant.
It was a really great discovery on a freezing morning.
Established plants in the ground can take most anything winter throws their way. These river oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) have new growth starting to sprout at the base and are providing some good winter seed for the birds. Above was the snow of two weeks ago. Below is the ice of today.
Quite a few seeds have been taken by birds and squirrels (and probably the wind).
The ice storm of today (2/12/14) has left it’s own ice structures on the plants in my yard. Above, Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccafolium) seed heads dripping ice; Below Georgia Aster (Symphyotricum georgianum) stalks coated with ice.
And finally a poor Rosemary flower (Rosmarinus officinalis) (not native, but delicious) entombed in ice.
Stay warm and safe!