EcoAddendum Director, Master Naturalist, and Nature Photographer Kathryn Kolb joins us Sat Sept 4 from 10am - noon.
Over the past several years, Kathryn Kolb has been facilitating walks in Atlanta’s green spaces, revealing their complex ecologies, and bringing Atlantans closer to their forests. We asked her to share her insights with our wonderful habitat gardeners. She looks forward to meeting with those of you who are just beginning a habitat garden, to those of you who are girding for a native restoration.
Why are the natural landscape of metro Atlanta so special? Learn how to discern whether or not your yard may hold remnants of the old growth forest of our Southeastern region, and how your yard is actually part of the Urban Forest Ecosystem. Kathryn will share tips on how to choose plants that work best to enhance the ecosystem and restore biodiversity in your special part of the planet!