How to Plant a Tree

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

How to Plant a Tree - with Neil Norton 10/22/23    2 pm - 3:30 pm Trees can outlive us by a few centuries, but only if we give them what they need to succeed.  Neil Norton will go over the best practices to help your green antidote to climate change (tree) Wildlife habitat (tree), and...

Avoid the Franken Forest!

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

Avoid the Frankenforest! - with Kathryn Kolb 11/05/23 2 pm - 3:30 pm Selecting the right tree for the right space is important to the health of the tree, the success of your planting plan and truly restoring native biodiversity. We often consider sun, shade, and moisture, but there's so much more - each tree...

How to Build Your Soil – with Jeff Killingsworth

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

How to Build Your Soil - with Jeff Killingsworth 11/12/23 2 pm - 3:30 pm Does your garden struggle with clay soil? Welcome to Georgia! Clay is an important component of nutrient rich soil, but too much clay is hard for plants to deal with.  In the dog days of Southern summers clay's as hard...

Habitat Garden Group: Ephemerals

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

March Habitat Garden Group: Ephemerals 03/24/2024, Sunday at 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm  What is an ephemeral?  Why do these plants have this weird yearly growth strategy?  Join us for a short presentation on the ecology of ephemeral forest plants in Georgia forests. Following discussion includes the ephemeral plants' basic needs, and ways to keep...

Old Growth Forest in Your Own Backyard

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

Old Growth Forest in Your Own Backyard with Kathryn Kolb 03/28/24 Thursday, 7:00-8:30 Does your backyard have remnants of old growth forest?  Learn to identify the key indicators that you may harbor, remnants of the original old growth forest of our region, in your backyard.  You may be surprised – rich older soils are best...

Shade Gardening with Andrea Greco

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

Shade Gardening, Andrea Greco 04/11/24, Thursday,   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm  Not much sun? No problem! This class will focus on gardening in the shady areas of your garden using primarily native plants originating in the forests of the Piedmont region of Georgia. Shade gardens can be some of our most beautiful and enjoyable...

Feel Empowered to Prune ’24

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

Feel Empowered to Prune, Barbara Dorfman 04/14/24, Sunday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm  Prune for health and beauty.   Pruning is an important skill to learn for garden maintenance, to keep your trees and shrubs healthy, improving growing conditions by increasing available light to the understory, and improving airflow through both the tree or shrub...

Exploring Native Plants

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

Exploring Native Plants, Jeff Killingsworth 04/25/24, Thursday, 7:00pm - 8:30 pm In this class we will parse the often-confusing language of native vs. invasive species, and how to select native additions or alternatives for home landscaping. Starting with a broad overview of plants' role in the ecosystem and their relationships with animals we will explore...

April Habitat Garden Group: Plants and Mild Erosion

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale, GA, United States

April Habitat Garden Group: Plants and Mild Erosion 04/28/24, Sunday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Do you have a gentle slope or small bank where the soil keeps washing away? There are plants that can help with those issues. Short presentation on plantings that have healed mild erosion in public spaces and private yards. Bring...