Latest Past Events

Manage Water with Rain Gardens & Native Plants

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale

Nov 3, 1 pm-2pm: Managing Water Using Rain Gardens & Native Plants with Brandy Hall Designing with permaculture and water management in our landscapes, Brandy Hall's company, Shades of Green Permaculture, specializes in landscapes that build natural soil fertility, manage water as a resource, and boast useful and native plant communities. Water cycle restoration is...


Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale

Join Us! Autumn FeSTi-FaLL Sunday October 27th, 10 am - 2:00 pm389 North Clarendon Avenue Scottdale GA 30079. Offerings from Beech Hollow and Garland's Garden, special prices on plants shrubs and trees for fall planting. Herbalista, Eco logic, Bedhead and Beecatur will be showing their goods and services in our lawn. Music, Cider, Teas, nibbles,...

Gardening for Birds and Pollinators with Andrea Greco

Beech Hollow Atlanta Metro 389 North Clarendon Ave, Scottdale

Gardening for Birds and Pollinators with Andrea Greco 03/17/24, Sunday, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm  In this class you will learn about how to select native plants that play a critical role in the life cycles of the creatures we love so much and want to attract to our yards.  We will cover topics including...