September 8, 2020

This week’s featured native shrub is Lindera benzoin, Spicebush. The leaves and twigs were prepared and drunk as a tea, used to flavor game, and as an herbal remedy for aches and colds. As a habitat planting, Spicebush is the larval host for the Spicebush Swallowtail, Papilio troilus, and the Prometheus Silkmoth, Callosemia promethea. The scarlet berries on female trees are fall forage for migratory birds.
We are working to add Spicebush to our north Georgia home to attract butterflies.
We have planted five spicebush and tending to them closely in hopes they form a strong early foundation before winter. 3 are fairly close to one another, 2 are about 100 feet away. We are unsure if the pollination and fertilization will happen at that distance, but we hope so. Doing all we can to support the pollinators!
That is wonderful, thank you for planting native plants!