OWD measured well output after fracking was complete. Conway delivers jute cloth. Green Acres delivers 33 cu yd of compost. 1/2 inch of rain in afternoon. Note: Polemnium pasture may get more rain than either top of the ridge or East Pasture receives. Need a rain gauge to ascertain. Dan got an additional thunderstorm in the Polemnium pasture that I didn’t see at the front of the property, but then, the valley head is ½ mile from the front gate. I heard thunder, saw a couple of drops, nothing more. Dan got soaked.
Dan stayed several hours beyond the 24 hour pumping test, as the well output was still going strong. End of pumping test reveals a well with an output of 47 GPM. The gamble paid off. The water tastes sweet. This is the well we need to run the nursery on.