Collected several Pityopsis gramminifolia from Turkey Hill area.  Collect cuttings of Potentilla canadensis.  Will use...
Mike and Doug looked in the attic of the hunter’s shed.  It’s full of Styrofoam...
Mike tore out the Styrofoam insulation in the hunter’s shed.   Electricity is turned on.  Got...
Two neighbors came and asked to scrap the old stove and various metal objects out...
Went to Gene and Matt tractor sales.  Matt is a big, heavy-built dude who has...
Mike went out to the property, put the address out on the driveway post.   Started...
Over the past several weeks, I have been researching tractors.  There are quite a few...
Worked on securing the hunter’s shack.  Got the address today, 1575 Elberton Road.   We have...
Mike and I went camping on the property just above the boulders.  It was our...
Since this past February 2009, we have been on a search for a home, a...